
I could’ve written my newest blog about what it’s like to be brave. I could’ve written about not feeling guilty for having “me” time. I could’ve written about whether or not you should burn bridges with certain people. Meh. I’ll save those for another day. Since the 4th of July is coming up, I want to talk about what the word “united” means to me. Oh geez! I feel like this is what my teacher in fifth grade would’ve assigned us! But thankfully this question is a pretty easy one to answer. The word “united” sounds pretty self-explanatory right? Made ONE. Combined. Produced by a JOINT action. Our forefathers didn’t name this the Divided States of America. They called it the United States of America for a reason. To me being united means that we need to work together. Just because we have a difference in opinion, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be able to work things out! It seems like some people don’t want to take the high road and admit when they are wrong and apologize. They just think that it’s easier to point fingers and blame others. Instead of turning towards anger and negativity, why don’t we turn towards kindness and positivity. Let’s take some time to list the things we are grateful for everyday instead of blaming others for what we don’t have. Why can’t we treat each other with some dignity and respect? A smile goes a long way. So does holding a door open for someone or helping someone in need. This country would be more whole if we all took the time to do the little things in life. Love thy neighbor. Don’t just sit there and judge someone simply because they don’t look like you. “Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” –Plato. If they are not hurting you in any way, then why do you hate them? We need to be able to just go with the flow and learn to accept change. I know its hard, but believe me I struggle with this too sometimes. But life can be freeing if we just accept the inevitable instead of drowning in our own fears. This country/world would be a much better place if we just accept the people for who they are and not tear them down. I know bullies will never fully go away because you’re always going to have someone try to put you down, but you can be the better person. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Ghandi.”Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” -Helen Keller. Let’s make America WHOLE again! I love our country and proud of what it stands for. I just hope that someday other people can see it too. On this Independence Day, let not be independent from each other. We stand stronger together! Until next time.

Be well,
