My Journey to Self-Love

What is self-love? Google defines it as regard for one’s own well-being and happiness. For me self-love means taking care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually that will lead you down the right path of happiness. I say your own path because every person’s path is different. No one has the exact same path. You have to do what is right for you and what makes you happy. Your self-love is and always should be your number one priority.

How can we be truly happy though if we are not aligned with ourselves? That feeling of being centered. Grounded. I have only experienced this kind of feeling every once in a blue moon. There’s always that sense of self-doubt in the back of my mind and a question that always rises to the surface.

Am I allowed to be happy?

Wait a second. Why am I seeking permission to be happy?

For me the answer is because I have always felt the need to make sure everyone else is ok before I was. I would always put myself on the back burner. I didn’t realize this until now, but I felt like I was being selfish if I was putting my needs in front of everyone else.

Doing this for most of my life, being a people pleaser, has left me feeling lost and alone. I know I’ve got some amazing people in my corner, but there’s always been a part of me that wishes I could find the right balance. Still making others happy, but not feeling guilty when I need to be happy first. That sense of euphoria I always dream about having. I know I can get there someday. I just have to keep working at it.

 Since writing has always been a great coping tool for me, I found a self-love poetry journal that has been helping. Here is the link for it below…

The first activity talks about affirmations. My therapist recommended I say daily affirmations to myself to stay on this path to self-love. There are many other exercises that I can’t wait to work on because I know this is what’s going to help me get there.

My therapist also recommend that I share an activity for us to try if we would like. These are word searches that you can do and once you are done with the Solve the Word Search Puzzles, you find and circle all words on the list. The leftover letters in the puzzle form a Mystery Sentence — a message from a Melody Beattie book. It’s definitely worth a try if you are a fan of word searches like me.

Word searches for self-care

There is also from the same lady, Melody Beattie, a blog she writes that appears to be all about the self-care too. I am definitely going to check this out as well. You can find the link here:

Every person’s journey is different and I want you to find your own path towards happiness. I can’t wait to write an updated blog post of this one when the time comes. I know I’m on the right path. I just have to follow it and trust that I am doing the right thing. No more self-doubt. Sure, there will be setbacks. For example, I almost had a panic attack recently and now I feel like I’m stuck in the same old rut again. But I reminded myself of my journal that I need to work on as well as saying my affirmations again. Because sometimes you find yourself having to say them more than once a day. Sometimes I think I should have ones for when I wake up, ones for the middle of the day and ones for at night.

Even as of this post I still feel a little self-doubt, but the trick is telling that voice to “shut up” and focus on what’s important here. Staying on your journey of self-love. Continue down the right path and the happiness you seek will be yours.

         I am here for you always. 

         Stay safe and be well,


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